Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War Update 1.13 Changelog Desolation of Mordor Story Expansion An issue in the Blade of Galdriel DLC where failing the fort assault in Gorgoroth and then retrying the mission would make Captains ignore Eltariel is now fixed. The previous update was released to address issues with the Blade and Galadriel DLC.
In addition, Shadow Of War version 1.13 also includes a big list of fixes and improvements. You can Play as Baranor, the Captain of Minas Ithil and survivor of the city’s demise, in a new story expansion where players can command the forces of Man against a new Orc threat to the East.
According to the official Shadow Of War 1.13 changelog, the new update has added Desolation of Mordor Story Expansion pack. Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War Update 1.13 for PlayStation 4 and PCs released.