It’s easy to picture a rebellious teen Sim listening to this in their bedroom, away from their strict and overbearing parents.
Circa Survive ’s “ Everyway ” captures the teen feel perfectly. One of the things that aided in this pursuit was adding new songs to the collection of amazing Simlish tracks in the game. Widely considered the best expansion pack in the entire Sims franchise, Sims 3: Generations captured the scope of growing up and all the phases and milestones that come with it. And if you’re not keen on an in-game vacay, then there’s nothing stopping you from playing the song in either its Simlish or real-world iterations. ” The vibe of the song is perfect as a travel tune for your Sims to listen to in one of the vacation destinations from the pack.
Including this awesome rendition of The Friday Night Boys‘ “ Can’t Take That Away. The Sims 3: World Adventures is a well-loved (and sometimes glitchy) expansion that brought a lot to the series’ third trip around the sun. “Can’t Take That Away” - The Friday Night Boys